Birdies Nest Traakan Dragonry


Name: Care
Sex: Female
Species: Sea Phoenix
Size: ???
Color: Orange/White
Bond: n/a
Bonded at: Deep Sea Giveaway: Sea Phoenixes
Personality: Peaceful, thoughtful, territorially aggressive against large animals
Abilities: Water Breathing: The dragon has gills and can breathe under water. It can not survive in shallow water for more than a few minutes, and collapses when brought above water.
Empathic Telepathy: Communicates direct emotions and feelings, may be accompanied by sonar-based telepathic noises; Sea Phoenixes do not think in words though they are sentient
Charm: Charm, when 'on' will cause a sensation of comfort, ease, and even attraction the closer the Sea Phoenix is. Some Sea Phoenixes possess one ability while the others possess the other.
Extended Lifespan: Sea Phoenixes can live for hundreds of years barring injury or sickness.