Birdies Nest Traakan Dragonry


Name: Cuk Akimel ("Black River")
Sex: Male
Species: Avanyu
Size: Size varies, Usually large
Color: Brown/Blue
Bond: n/a
Bonded at: Avanyu Giveaway
Personality: Pompous, Secretive, Regal.
Abilities: Lightening Breath: The Avanyu's tongue and mouth can produce lightening.
Thunder: When the Avanyu snaps it's tail, thunder booms.
Rain Summoning: The Avanyu can bring rain.
Presence of Good Luck and Health: Content Avanyu are bringers of good luck and health.
Levitation: An Avanyu can travel by levitation.
Size Shifting: Avanyu can change their size at will.
Limited Teleportation: Lesser Avanyu can teleport themselves to any water feature on Earth.
Limited Shape Shifting: All Avanyu can take on the forms of Earth based life forms.